Get to Know The Volks

Neill Robertson, Brad Lane, Nick Campbell, Freddie Black
Neill Robertson, Brad Lane, Nick Campbell, Freddie Black

The Volks, from Mobile, are playing in the Road to the Hangout Contest on Saturday, April 12 when they open for Scars on 45.  The band is Brad Lane  on lead guitar and vocals, Neill Robertson on rhythm guitar, vocals, Freddie Black on drums, Nick Campbell and bass. Lane and Robertson began playing together in high school

Describe your music 

The Volks blend 60s British Invasion with Southern rock, retro pop with some harder edges. Some reviewers have compared us to The Strokes. Brad Lane (lead guitar) and Neill Robertson (rhythm guitar) met as kids in the same neighborhood and started playing music together before they could drive.  The Volks came into being following a trip to Germany (“volk” is German for “people”).  Freddie Blache on drums and Nick Campbell on bass complete the sound.  The live shows are jump-up-and-move, you can’t sit still with the up-tempo beat and melodic hooks.  Fans sing along on most tunes, especially the choruses.

Describe your songwriting 
It comes unnannounced from strange places, because we listen to a ton of music but also like some different parts of pop culture and history that are pretty eclectic.  We collaborate on writing the parts, Neill may have a melody pop up, then Brad and Nick will participate in the lead and bass lines, and Freddie plays around with the beat and rhythm.  You can hear a lot of things going on at once, while the spine of the songs holds things together.

How does being from the coast or from Alabama affect your music?
Maybe less than one might think.  A lot of people are surprised that we are all from “greater Mobile.”  Still, you can hear the Southern roots and some blues mixed in on lots of the music. We love for people to have a good time, and that’s something people down here know how to do.

What would winning this contest and playing at the Hangout mean for The Volks?
It would be both an honor and an opportunity to let a much bigger audience hear a new sound that we believe music lovers will really enjoy.  Especially for those who like to get a little hyped and move, because going to a Volks show usually makes your feet dance.

The Volks at Saenger Nite Live
The Volks at Saenger Nite Live